College of Veterinary Medicine Residents & InternsCoverage Designed with You in Mind.
As a Veterinary Resident or Intern You Are Covered By a Group Long Term Disability Plan. Click here for plan details. Guaranteed Standard Issue Plan As a resident or intern, you may obtain a monthly benefit up to $3,000 per month of individual disability coverage¹. Individual disability insurance coverage with Berkshire Life Insurance Company of America, a Guardian company, is on a Guaranteed Standard Issue basis:
Fully underwritten optional riders include:
1. The Rider provides coverage for a period of 10-15 years from the Policy Date. When a qualifying total disability occurs, benefits are only payable during the remaining portion of the 10- or 15- year term that has not elapsed when the disability begins.
2. 20% permanent consists of a 10% mental and/or substance-related disorders limitation along with a 10% Student/Resident discount (one must apply within 60 days of completing your program to receive). 3. Retirement Protection Plus is not a pension plan, qualified retirement plan, or qualified individual retirement account or a substitute for one. 4. Conditions and limitations apply. Medical information is not required when applying to exercise an increase option. Taken into consideration are: financial information as well as all disability insurance in force, for which you’ve applied, or are eligible to receive. 5. This benefit is not necessarily protection against increases in the cost of living. |
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